
Register for

Upcoming Auditions

Auditions for the 2021-2020 year will be August 9- 14. Times for each class will be posted closer to audition time. The auditions help us place our dancers in their correct group.

Our Company's

Age Groups and Tuition!


Itty Bitty- Grades K-1           Petite- Grades 2-4

Junior- Grades 5-7               Senior- Grades 8-12

Dress Code for Class

A leotard of any kind is suggested to wear during class with any tight leggings or shorts. No jeans or t-shirts! Hair must be pulled out of face. 


 Tuition  is expected to be paid the first week of each month. If your child’s account is two months behind your child will not be allowed to attend class. 


All ages can also participate in a production dance with all other age groups. The production dance is for competition team only.

Want to purchase dance wear for class? Shop from our studio today!