Our story

Since 2021

We are a new company, which started up in the year, 2021

Since 2021, Our team has handled many customer issues, mostly with their computers, but also with devices that are less used

We, as a friend group, have been repairing devices for people, while keeping it inexpensive and reliable. This company started from a hobby, meaning we have the experience you need, and if that doesn’t convince you, then maybe our college degrees will

We have repaired everything, from small phones and tablets, to large PCs, and even things as big as refrigerators

Some Cool Facts

Numbers Speak For Themselves

Quality Peripherals
Years of Experience
Completed Projects

Our services are perfected. We have been researching the technology trends to make your life easier, and LESS expensive. Another thing that helps it be less expensive is 35% off of your first purchase!

Lower Prices

We have lower prices than everyone else around us. Compared to their decent-enough-to-make-money attitudes, we have friendly people who always want to help you. The worst part of this comparison is that we charge less for our products and services, but we want to help you, and they just want your money.

Quality Unsurpassed

We have been researching and testing technology, since we were old enough to touch an electronic device. There is no better professional advisory, especially when it comes to devices. On top of all of these great things, we provide you with top quality products, and services. The best part of all of this is that, it’ll last you years, and it will be inexpensive.

Our Team Will Provide You With The Technology You Need Today

Great, Quality, and Reliable Service Open Everyday